Science vs Engineering
Mar 30, 2021
- Informatika sebagai science: Teori dan eksperimen
–Pemodelan kognitif meningkatkan pemahaman tentang sistem alam.
- Infomatika sebagai engineering: Teknik baru
–Mengusulkan terapan baru;
Sub Bidang Informatika
Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer (Aptikom) mengidentifikasi perkembangan Teknik Informatika setelah 1990 menjadi enam sub-bidang yaitu:
1. Electrical Engineering
2. Computer Engineering
3. Computer Science (Teoritis)
4. Software Engineering (Aplikatif)
5. Information Technology (Infrastruktur)
6. Sistem Informasi (Keorganisasian Profit, non-Profit)
Proposal Penelitian
Ada 6 pertanyaan penting yang harus dijawab:
- What is the problem?
- What has been done (by others) already to solve this problem? (Literature)
- What is missing? What is not good in other approaches/solutions? (Literature)
- What are you planning to do?
- What will be the result(s) in the end?
- What has already been achieved, what has still be done?